Specify character

The dialogues should be marked with the speaking character. We specify a character with /// prefix.

Add the character names

The character names should be placed in res at the front of the game. Not only because the character name is too long to type again and again, but also to make i18n easy.

The key of the character name should be prefixed with ch_:

ch_foo: A. Foo
ch_bar: B. Bar

You can then specify the character with the command:

- /foo//This is the first line.
- /bar//This is the second line.

These two lines will output as:

_A. Foo_This is the first line.
_B. Bar_This is the second line.

Note the double slashes in /foo// could not be simplified.

Specify the alias of the character

Sometimes we need a temporary alias of the current character:

- /foo/Person 1st/This is the first line.
- /bar/Person 2nd/This is the second line.

The output will be

_Person 1st_This is the first line.
_Person 2nd_This is the second line.