Script plugin

All plugins are script plugins. Scripts could call methods in the script plugins.

Calling methods

A plugin method is referenced with <module>.<fn>(...) grammar. If you would like to call the rnd function in random module,

- exec: $i = random.rnd()

Pass the parameters in the brace ().

As the scripts are calculated at runtime, if there's no plugin called random, or no method called rnd inside random, it will give a warning, and continue with RawValue::Unit.

Author a script plugin

Here we're going to author a script plugin meet to return a string "Hello".

use ayaka_bindings::*;

fn plugin_type() -> PluginType {

fn hello(_args: Vec<RawValue>) -> RawValue {

And call the function:

- exec: $hello = meet.hello()
- \var{hello} from plugin!

If it builds successfully, and you set the right path to the plugins, it will output:

Hello from plugin!

Existing plugins

There are some existing script (only) plugins:

ayalogLog to runtime.
randomGenerate random numbers.